

Session A

Session A

Local Athlete Breaks World Kettlebell Record

by Grant LaFleche

It's not likely to make national news, given the relative obscurity of her sport, but St. Catharines-based personal trainer Jennifer Hintenberger became a world kettlebell record holder.

In a cloud of chalk, the St. Catharines kettlebell trainer and competitor smashed a record by hauling a 16-kilogram weight over her head 738 times for 60 minutes straight. She broke the old record held by an Australian athlete who completed 545 repetitions.

 Hintenberger set the new record at a charity competition to raise money for  disaster relief.

This is such a great feeling, Hintenberger said. It's a great sport and allows me to engage my competitive spirit. I cannot play rugby anymore. I've got three screws in my shoulder and had eight concussions. I have had figure skating injuries. So this is something that is a challenge and I can still be competitive.

 Kettlebells is a sport that mirrors more traditional weightlifting using weights that, despite the name, look more like cannonballs with a fused handle than kettles. The primary difference between the two sports lies in the objective: where weightlifting competitions are won by the person who lifts the heaviest weight,kettlebell competitions are decided by who lifts a particular weight the most times within a time limit.

 Most competitions involve 10-minute events, but this one was called a long cycle, or marathon, in which competitors perform a single-arm liftthey can switch hands as often as they likefor an hour without setting the kettlebell down.

 Adapted from Local Athlete Breaks World Kettlebell Record, by Grant LaFleche, published in the St. Catharines Standard, October 31, 2011. Reprinted with permission of Sun Media Corporation.

1.Which word is closest in meaning to "obscurity" as used in the sentence below?
Choose the answer from the drop down menu.
"lt's not likely to make national news, given the relative _________ of her sport,but St. Catharines-based personal trainer Jennifer Hintenberger became a world kettlebell record holder."
A *
2.In what way is kettlebells similar to weight lifting? *
3.What is a good sub-heading for each of the following paragraphs?
Drag and drop your THREE answer choices into the correct boxes.
An opinion about kettiebell
Facts about kettlebell as a sport
Comparisons between kettlebell and another sport
The history of kettlebells as a sport
4.What skill would contribute most to an athlete's success in a long-cycle kettlebell competition? *
5.What does the phrase “smashed a record” refer to in paragraph 2? *
Use specific details from the reading selection to support your answer.
Type your response in the box below (approximately 100 words).

As you fan yourself, drink water and sit in the shade, consider the plight of urban animals. Like humans, they need to beat the summer heat, which they do in their own specialized ways. Squirrels and pigeons have higher body temperatures than humans do. The average body temperature for humans is 37 ℃; for pigeons, about 40 ℃; and for squirrels, between 36.6 ℃ and 38.8 ℃. That means that pigeons and squirrels donʼt get as overheated as quickly as humans do. However, they still need to cool down. Burton Lim, a mammalogist at the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), explains that squirrels have sweat glands in between their toes and between the pads at the bottom of their feet. These furry creatures also chill out through respiration, and their fur acts as a cooling insulator. “Most of their foraging for food—nuts and seeds—is usually done in the morning and late afternoon, when itʼs cooler.” But Lim doesnʼt rule out a squirrel getting heat stroke. “Any animal can get it if you leave them out in the sun,” said Lim. Pigeons donʼt sweat at all; they pant like dogs. All birds respire from their mouths with their tongues, explains Brad Millen, a ROM technician who specializes in ornithology. In addition, birds extend their wings away from their body so that any light breeze will carry away excess heat. Like squirrels, pigeons restrict their activity to cooler daytime periods, and like humans, "they" use water—both drinking it and splashing in it—to cool off. Maintaining an optimum body temperature is necessary for all animals, and each creature has strategies for doing so.
Adapted from an article originally appearing in the Toronto Star in 2010. Reprinted with the permission of Torstar Syndication Services.
1.What change in urban animal behaviour is most likely to occur when there is a drop in summer air temperature?
Changes in urban animal behavior *
2.Which word is closest in meaning to “plight" as used in line 1?
Choose the answer from the drop-down menu.
“As you fan yourself, drink water and sit in the shade, consider the______ of urban animals." *
3.Why are Lim and Millen included in the reading selection? *
4.Which of the following statements are true about squirrels, and which statements are true about pigeons?
Choose squirrels or pigeons for each statement.
They have a body temperature of 40 °C. *
They pant like a doginstead of sweating. *
They have sweat glands between their toes. *
5. What does the word "they" in red denote? *
6.ldentify which one of the following statements is the main idea and which two provide details to support the main idea.
Drag and drop your THREE answer choices into the correct boxes.
Squirrels and pigeons respire to cool down.
Squirrels and pigeons can both get heat stroke.
Squirrels and pigeons don't overheat as quickly as humans do.
Squirrels and pigeons have strategies to regulate their body temperatures.
Squirrels and pigeons restrict their daily activity to cooler daytime periods.

The Ordinary Extraordinary Mechanic

The Ordinary Extraordinary Mechanic

1.The morning sun streams through the raised garage door at Bruce Kitchen Automotive in Brantford, Ontario. Dust particles dance in the air, and the lighting over each workbench seems muted in the strength of the May sunshine. The shop is filled with exotic cars of every vintage.

2.Aaron Prevost, 20, stands under a 1982 Porsche 924, having positioned the hoist and raised it to working level. He can discern this sunlight, but only as a contrast to shadow. It takes me a moment to realize he is blind. Everything about Aaron is ordinary, and yet nothing is. Being an auto mechanic is a precise business, and potential hazards are everywhere. Yet Aaron walks freely and without a cane.

3.Aaron doesn't turn his head to place wheel bolts on the table next to him. With one hand, he expertly places them in meticulous order so he can find them again later. After a quick count around the freed rim with his other hand, he lifts the tire from its mount. Suddenly, he drops a bolt. He freezes as he listens to where it lands, then drops down quickly and grabs it.

4.At first glance, Aaron's workbench looks like any other, but as he snaps through drawers searching for a mallet, his hands skimming the contents, you realize he knows exactly where everything is. A misplaced tool costs time, and time costs money.

5.This isn't a job of repetition. The garage specializes in imports, and each car has unique issues. For a kid who started by ripping apart lawn mowers, it's a story about the capacity of his memory and his ability to learn, but most of all, about his determination.

6.At age 10, Aaron was pulling apart and rebuilding lawn mowers and other small engines with the guidance of his older brother, Ben. (Ben, now 26, is blind too, born with the same damage to the optic nerve.) “Well, we mostly put back together the stuff we tore apart,” says Aaron with a smile. Soon, they were working on the family cars.

7.For the last 12 years, Aaron has been a student at W. Ross MacDonald School for the Blind in Brantford. Ben was already there, making the challenge a little easier. Aaron shrugs it off, wearing his independence not so much as a badge but like a well⁠-⁠worn pair of jeans.

8.I try to do it all,” he says. And he does. He's lived off campus for two years now, renting a house with a friend.

9.Frustration peeks out only in that he is passionate about cars, but can't drive. When he is asked, “If you had your sight for 10 minutes, what would you do?” he doesn't hesitate for a moment: “Drive!”

10.Outside the shop, a riding lawn mower sits on a trailer, the motor exposed. Shop owner Bruce Kitchen told his neighbour to bring the broken machine in because he had just the guy to fix it. Aaron reaches into the machinery with one surgically gloved hand, determines where a metal part is eroding a plastic one, and makes the diagnosis.

11.Kitchen disagrees with the suggestion that having Aaron on board as a co⁠-⁠op placement student might slow down the shop. “He has his specialties—brakes and rotors—and unlike a standard garage, the turnaround times are a little more flexible,” Kitchen says. “He's earned his place here. He's a fine mechanic.”

12.The logistics of moving through a dark world does not concern a young man who's known no different. The secret to Aaron's positive attitude is that he simply determines what he can do, rather than what he can't.

Adapted from “Blind mechanic's dream comes true in a Porsche” by Lorraine Sommerfeld, published in the Toronto Star, June 20, 2011. Reprinted with permission of the author.
1.Which paragraph expresses the overall theme of the reading selection? *
2.What is introduced by the word “but” in the second sentence of paragraph 2? *
3.Which word is closest in meaning to "meticulous" as used in the sentence below?
Choose the answer from the drop-down menu.
"With one hand, he expertly places them in____order so he can find them again later." *
4.Which other two senses are essential for Aaron to help him as a mechanic?
Choose TWO senses.
Senses *
5.Organize the following events in the order in which they actually happened.
Drag and drop your answer choices into the correct boxes.
Worked at Bruce Kitchen Automotive
Started rebuilding small engines with his brother
Worked on family cars
Third Event 
Took Co-op at school
6.According to the reading selection, what does Aaron find disappointing? *
7.What do Bruce Kitchen's comments contribute to the reading selection? *

Writing section:

Writing section:

1.Which option tells how to make the following sentence correct? *
What's clear, is that when people shower, they increase their amount of dopamine,which encourages creativity in the brain.
2.Choose the options that best complete the sentence.
Drag and drop your answer choices into the correct boxes.
_____and_____collected leaves for the fall festival *
3.Choose the options that best complete the sentence.
Drag and drop your answer choices into the correct boxes.
The___________,located____________in Ottawa, was built_________. *
Peace Tower
between 1919 and 1927
in front of the Parliament Buildings
4.Which sentence below is written correctly? *
5.Which options best complete the sentence below?
Choose the answers from the drop-down menus.
A diverse climate 1 ( , /  :) rugged mountains and waterfalls make Quebec a perfect place for the following activities 2 ( , /  :)hiking, cycling and kayaking.
6.Which words best complete the sentence below?
Choose the answers from the drop-down menus.
(A. Parvinders / Parvinder's / Parvinders' ) (B. trucks / truck's / trucks' ) tire deflated so it was towed to the garage.
7.Which words best complete the sentence below?
Choose the answer from the drop-down menu.
The larger group stayed (until/even if/as soon as) the end of the race, but the other group left as soon as it started thundering.

Session B

Session B

1.Writing section
Write an essay expressing an opinion on the following topic.
Does homework improve learning?
Be sure to include the following:
● an introduction, supporting body paragraphs and a conclusion.
● relevant reasons, examples and facts to support your opinion.
● a clear explanation of your arguments.
Type your response in the box below (approximately 500 words).
2.Reading section

1.Olivia slumped forlornly before a computer in the school guidance office. She glared at her course selection sheet, until Anton sat down beside her.

2.“Hi, Anton. I haven't seen you around lately.”

3.“I've been off⁠-⁠site doing a four⁠-⁠credit co⁠-⁠op placement at Morrison Electrical,” Anton explained.

4.Olivia straightened up. “Do you like it?”

5.“I'm learning so much working on that new hotel—following the wiring layout, setting the switch boxes, running the wire. Mr. Morrison is really patient and knowledgeable.” He glanced at the screen. “Planning your future?”

6.Olivia slouched back in her chair. “So many of these Grade 11 courses seem irrelevant. When will I use them? Besides, I don't want to sit all day—I want to do something.”

7.“Like what?”

8.“Well, my favourite class is transportation,” said Olivia. “I'm thinking of getting into auto body repair. Our careers teacher told us that skilled trades will make up 40 percent of new jobs in the next two decades.”

9.“In that case, you should consider co⁠-⁠op courses and apply for OYAP, the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program. Even before graduation, you could start accumulating hours to become certified in auto body repair. Why don't you research it?”

10.Olivia clicked her way to the OYAP admission requirements. “I need to be 16 and have 16 credits. That's no problem.”

11.She delved deeper. “Look at all the potential apprenticeships—carpentry, welding, early childhood education, horse grooming!”

12.“To get my electrician certification, I need 9000 hours of on⁠-⁠the⁠-⁠job and in⁠-⁠class training,”said Anton. “What does auto body repair require?”

13.“It says 7200. I'd better get started. Where do I sign up?”

1.What two things do the verbs in paragraph 1 suggest about Olivia? *
Choose your Two suggestions.
2.What does the dash in paragraph 5 introduce? *
3.Which word is closest in meaning to "irrelevant" as used in paragraph 6?
Choose the answer from the drop-down menu.
"So many of these Grade 1l courses seem______." *
4.Why does Olivia state that "'skilled trades will make up 40 percent of new jobs" (paragraph 8)? *